- Sector 3, Boss Fight: Score at least 30 critical hits. Daze. Offense Down. Critical Hit Immunity. Bistan's U-wing. From SWGOH. Defense. Health. Join Premium to remove ads! Mark VI Interceptor TIE Dagger Fury-class Interceptor TIE Defender. Unit Crew Buff Debuff Other Status Locations. Disciplined Separatist Attacker with high damage, counter attacks, and debuff capabilities Power 35311 · Health 33,095 · Speed 187. Dispel. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. Daze. In this game, one of the most important machines is to damage their immunity. DoT. This unit takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects and massive damage effects. SWGOH · Top Healing Immunity Characters by Special Damage; Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage Filters ; Healing Immunity . Character Name Player NameView the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity!. Enduring Rebel Attacker who shrugs off debuffs and consumes buffs to deal extra damage Power 34527 · Health 30,636 · Speed 168. DoT. Defense Down. Dispel - All Enemies. Add Payout: Jango Fett gains Damage Immunity for 2 turns, which cannot be Dispelled or prevented. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity!. - Sector 4, Boss Fight: Remove 700% TM. Evasion Down. 10004. Critical Damage Down. Daze. Daze. While in this stance, Rey can't act, has 30% less Speed, is immune to all detrimental effects, and. Characters with Leader abilities that can apply. This unit has +10% Max Health and Max Protection per Relic Amplifier level, and damage they receive is decreased by 30%. Offense Down. A character might have much higher special damage than physical damage, or much higher armor than resistance. Defense Up. Droid Attacker with debuffs and a damage bonus against debuffed enemies Power 35311 · Health 35,026 · Speed 147 Dark Side · Leader · Scoundrel · Attacker · Separatist ·. Dispel. Dispel - All. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Damage Range: 8111 - 8963. Reset Cooldown. Ultimate Charge: Rey gains 6% Ultimate Charge at the start of every character's turn. Defense Up. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Defense Penetration Up. Rallied characters act based on their role: - Tanks Taunt and gain Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns - Attackers assist - Healers and Supports restore 15% Health and Protection to all alliesCheck out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Deathmark. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Deathmark. Defense Up. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. 3 star Droideka and no zeta on BB8 Roll. Breach Immunity. DoT. TVF. Critical Hit Immunity. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Defense Penetration Up. Damage Immunity. Defense Down. Depending on characters, physical damage stat is located on either STR, AGI, or TAC (it's always the highest of the 3 that has physical damage tied to it - you can check it in your characters' stats). These abilities have the power to change any matchup. Daze. Dispel - All Allies. Galactic Conquest Sector 2 Hard - Invincible - 20 Damage Immunity 1 Battle - Full Auto - No GLs | SWGoH00:00 Intro00:24 Data disks00:45 Jedi, Wat/Droideka 10. GGA determined Force user who uses his unique abilities to support his allies and manipulate the flow of battle. Critical Damage Down. Daze. Critical Hit Immunity. Deathmark. We Have Returned: +5% Critical Damage and Offense per stack While in Grand Arenas: Sith Empire allies have +50% Mastery, +30 Speed, and +80% Critical Avoidance and damage they receive is decreased by 15%. This Droideka mod set is used by 42% of the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Defense Penetration Up. Dispel. Dispel. Power 45142 · Speed 177 · Health 85,088 · Max Damage 39531. Critical Damage Down. Defense Down. Defense Down. Evasion Down. Defense Down. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity!Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to Stun for 1 turn. Damage Immunity. DoT. Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage. Character NameDamage Immunity. May 1, 2023 7:09PM. Enduring Rebel Attacker who shrugs off debuffs and consumes buffs to deal extra damage Power 34527 · Health 30,636 · Speed 168. Bounty Hunters are a ruthless group of people who are willing and able to do any job, as long as the price is right. Evasion Down. Whenever a Sith Empire ally is inflicted with a debuff, they recover 10% Health. //swgoh. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity!. At the start of battle, she gains Critical Chance Up and Critical Damage Up for 2 turns, and 100% Turn Meter. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Dispel. Dispel. Defense Down. GG is not. 2% RPHD: 2% (interesting how an ability that can normally nuke somebody merely tickles RPHD. Defense Down. 850: 3: x40 x16 x20 : 85: Dispel all buffs, deal Special damage, and inflict Buff Immunity on target enemy for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled or resisted; inflict an additional Thermal Detonator on all enemies for 2 turns for every 20% Ultimate Charge Jabba the Hutt has, which can't be resisted: 2. Deathmark. Character NameWhile Rey and/or adds have damage immunity, keep using poke/basic and aoe to build mastery; Rey will whirlwind, but SLKR and 1/2 of your guys should survive. Defense Down. Dispel. Renowned Jedi Master that provides damage and support through a diverse set of abilities Power 47076 · Health 62,304 · Speed 385. Daze. Deathmark. 850SWGOH · Top Damage Immunity Characters by Tenacity; Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage Filters ; Damage Immunity . Defense Penetration Up. SWGOH · Top Damage Immunity Characters by Physical Damage; Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage Filters ; Damage Immunity . Iden Versio Abilities. Deathmark. Dark Side · Support · First Order · Support. 1 Understand Buffs And De-buffs. Dispel. Damage Immunity. Jabba the Hutt. gg for any help but can't figure it out. Defense Down. DoT. Deathmark. Critical Hit Immunity. Starkiller · Player Data. If no other allies have the Leader tag, Iden deals damage two more times. Light Side Battles: 8-B (Hard) 20 (2x) Echo. View the full database of SWGOH Charactes with the most Speed, Protection, Health, Armor, Potency and Tenacity!. But if you're low-GP, your best bet is to take a different. Dispel - All Allies. Counter. Daze. Daze. Defense Up. JTRoideka - Win even with damage immunity dispelled. Then, deal Physical damage to all enemies. Aggressive tank that Taunts and Counters with multiple Damage Over Time effects Power 34527 · Health 41,068 · Speed 138. Dispel debuffs from all allies, deal Special damage to all enemies, and Rally all Resistance allies. AoE Counter Critical Hit Immunity Damage Immunity Dispel Gain Turn Meter Inspired Leader: +Max Health Leader: +Speed Revive Stun. SWGOH · Top Healing Immunity Characters by Physical Damage;. If Droideka has Damage Immunity, it has -50% Speed and a 35% chance to assist dealing 50% less damage whenever another Separatist ally uses an ability (limit once per turn). Inflict an additional Damage Over Time for 2 turns for each Relic level that character has. Daze. Offense Down. Defense Down. Dispel - All Allies. Dispel. Defense Penetration Up. Daze. Defense Down. SWGOH · Top Buff Immunity Characters by Critical Damage; Speed Health Protection Potency Tenacity Armor Physical Damage Critical Damage Special Damage Filters ; Buff Immunity . ReyI think you have no idea how this game works you should watch the videos from the Game Changers they give you all the details. Damage Immunity. Buff Immunity. Empire Attacker who inflicts Buff Immunity and gains Foresight Power 31546 · Health 33,531. Dispel - All Allies. Deathmark. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Vulnerable and Healing Immunity for 2 turns, which can't be dispelled or resisted. Foresight. Critical Damage Up. Guild Name. The interaction and strategy of how Lifeblood is used in SWGoH will be interesting, but until further testing is done it is hard to see how impactful this buff will be. KR Lash Out - Poe and/or Finn may now be in damage immunity. Renowned Jedi Master that provides damage and support through a diverse set of abilities Power 47076 · Health 62,304 · Speed 385. This is one of the most reliable teams against Traya. When Qui-Gon Jinn is defeated, all Jedi allies recover 100% Health and Protection and gain 400% of Qui-Gon-Jinn's Offense for 2 turns. Power 96996 · Speed 184 · Max Damage 50533. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Daze. A list of all SWGoH buffs and debuffs can be found below. Damage Immunity. Critical Damage Up. DoT. Critical Damage Up. Deathmark. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Chaff. Characters Ships Character Stats Ship Stats Abilities Meta Report. While in Territory Wars: Whenever a Jedi enemy gains Taunt from Jedi Unique abilities, all enemies take damage equal to 20% of their max Health. The amount of Health restored is. Healing Immunity. Defense Up. Revive with 80% Health and 30% TM when defeated. SwGoH is the most popular game in the world. Recover 10% Health Per turn.